BPWin 8.0.4 Release Notes
BPWin Highlights
- The updated Quick Start Guide for BPWin with REST and Web socket APIs is now available at https://github.com/BPM-Microsystems/BPWinRestAPIData
- Improved API calls for Device Parameters to ensure seamless operation when Autorange or LoadEntireFile features are enabled.
- Added the ability to set initialization data directly from data pattern files for S-record file types. This improves quality and saves time for job setup when using S-record files. A feature guide can be requested from tech@bpmmicro.com
- Resolved yield issues on socket locations B, C, and D on 10th Gen programmer sites following a failure at socket location A.
Other Improvements
- Improved WebSocket API notifications to indicate job completion and abort statuses.
- Fixed an Autohandler bug that caused job hangs when only one device was active and a pick failure occurred at the tape feeder.