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BPWin 8.0.4 Release Notes

BPWin 8.0.4 Release Notes


BPWin Highlights

  • The updated Quick Start Guide for BPWin with REST and Web socket APIs is now available at https://github.com/BPM-Microsystems/BPWinRestAPIData
  • Improved API calls for Device Parameters to ensure seamless operation when Autorange or LoadEntireFile features are enabled.
  • Added the ability to set initialization data directly from data pattern files for S-record file types.  This improves quality and saves time for job setup when using S-record files. A feature guide can be requested from tech@bpmmicro.com 
  • Resolved yield issues on socket locations B, C, and D on 10th Gen programmer sites following a failure at socket location A.

Other Improvements

  • Improved WebSocket API notifications to indicate job completion and abort statuses. 
  • Fixed an Autohandler bug that caused job hangs when only one device was active and a pick failure occurred at the tape feeder.

BPWin 8.0.3 Release Notes

BPWin Highlights

  • Releasing support for the all new BPM210 Semi-automatic Universal desktop programmer.  This industry first product uses automated site actuation to improve ergonomics, safety and efficiency to double the throughput compared to traditional manual programming where sockets are opened manually.
  • 10th gen Site motor actuation code improvements.
    • Motor Actuation updates include significant improvements to the motor actuation code to ensure reliable and smooth operation. The code now includes enhanced detection to confirm sockets are fully opened, with additional retries if necessary. This ensures consistent and accurate socket movement, improving overall device handling.
    • The updated code is designed to overcome minor friction while being gentle enough to prevent wear on sockets, springs, and motor assemblies. This balance extends the life of critical components and enhances the durability of your equipment.
    • The motor control code now better accommodates delays at the start of motion, reducing false detections of no movement. Additionally, we’ve enabled permanent logging to capture detailed data for easier debugging and troubleshooting, with logs clearly indicating the cause of any motion loop exits.

Other Improvements

  • ScannerTech 3D: Improved model number detection of UX, V4 cameras using the Ultravim App, it now requires a minimum version of Ultravim 9.7.30 to work. It will perform auto-z-teach for the ScannerTech UX Models only – not with V4 Models. 
  • 10th gen programmer site:
    • Enhanced Vcc Implementation: We’ve refined the IPR Vcc calibration code, ensuring more accurate voltage settings for FX8 devices. This improvement enhances the programming precision for high-power programmable devices.
    • Support for the latest Interposer Board Revision F: This update boosts programming yield for devices that require higher current, ensuring more reliable performance.

BPWin 8.0.2 Release Notes

BPWin Release Highlights

  • Added a laser power/speed ratio limitation feature for laser markers using Prolase software. BPWin will determine whether the operator entered power/speed settings are within the “polygon accepted” values, preventing unacceptable settings.
  • 3000 series fiber laser users can mark serialized QR codes for traceability at the component level.
  • Added support for the legacy UX46 3D Inspection camera on the 3000 Series APS.

Other Updates

  • Fixed a semaphore timeout issue during broadcast operation for 9th and 10th Gen programming technology.
  • Fixed a Runtime error for some 6th and 7th Gen sites related to autorange.

BPWin 8.0.1 Release Notes

(Scheduled for 02/13/2024 release)


BPWin Highlights

  • Improved 10th gen programmer site diagnostics to make the process faster and more efficient.
  • Released a 3000 series Laser Calibration pattern for laser focus adjustments.  This feature supports a well defined process for both CO2 and Fiber models.  Contact BPM Customer Service for more information. 

Other Improvements

  • Fixed continuity failures with “Gang-4 and Gang-8” socket modules on 10th gen Programmers in manual mode.
  • Fixed “BP Mechanical Benchmark” failure on 8th Gen systems.
  • Fixed a missing FX8 DPL variable causing Macro error during Short Circuit Test on 9th Gen.

BPWin 8.0.0 Release Notes

BPWin Highlights

  • Restore COR_X and COR_Y registry values to default every time before PNP initializes, to prevent the values from affecting the home Z process. This feature eliminates the need to manually delete registry values.
  • Added a registry key value pair to give users an option to default “Verify teach by picking in diagonal location” to “No.”  This changes the default value to streamline the teaching process for JEDEC trays. 
  • Integrate 10th Gen support into standard BPWin release cycle.  
  • Enabled “V4-45” 3D Inspection hardware feature on BPM310 and 3928.

Other Improvements

  • Fixed a bug to allow REJECTS as a valid location for use during the Test Lase session. Previously the Test Lase session failed to end as expected.  
  • Fixed a bug to allow the socket identifier specifier to be used in the Test Lase process. 
  • Fixed a runtime error for NAND devices, caused by autorange implementation. 
  • Fixed a Job Integrity Check (JIC) error preventing jobs from running when using autorange and serialization together.
BPWin 7.0.9 Release Notes

BPWin 7.0.9 Release Notes

BPWin Highlights

  • (7.0.9 DSU Hotfix Release 109) Added an option in the “Load Data Pattern File” menu to fill in the data buffer with a special signature that instructs BPWin to skip programming in certain regions for Renesas RH850 algorithms that have been enabled to support this feature.    Customers can request this feature for other algorithms via the DSR process on a case by case basis.
  • Implemented a process improvement to reduce the time used for calculating auto range, especially for eMMC devices. Auto range values will be calculated and saved to JobMaster files and only be re-calculated when changes are made to data patterns or device settings that could affect the values.
  • The Automated Programming System Galil controller model number will be logged in the BPWin log file upon the successful connection between the controller and the APS host computer.
  • Applied an extra integrity check process to linked data patterns before starting a job session to detect changes (any changes to the file path or the last modified date compared to the previously saved JobMaster file) made outside BPWin after loading job files.
  • Applied a fix to the issue with the HS400 eMMC File Concatenate Wizard that does not save the generated output.bin file in a sector-aligned format.

BPWin 7.0.9 Initial Device Support Update

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Renesas R5F10PMJCLFB 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition An algorithm is created to support R5F10PMJCLFB. FVE4ASMR80LQFPT
Cypress FM22L16-55-TG 7th Gen Addition Support has been added for FRAM device TSOP44 package on 7th Gen. ASMR44TB, SMR44TB, ASMR44TC
Lattice GAL16V8D-7LJN 9th Gen Addition Added Support to 9th Gen LASML20PD
STMicroelectronics STM32F072RBT6
9th Gen; 8th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to support QFP(64) package. 6th Gen: ASMR64LQFPZM
8th Gen/9th Gen: FVE4ASMR64LQFPZM

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 1 (07/12/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Nordic Semiconductor nRF52810-QFAA-R (Custom 01) 8th Gen Addition Algo was released as custom to help with empty socket test issues. FVE4ASMR48QFNB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 2 (07/13/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics STM32F411RCT(Custom) 9th Gen Recommended The algorithm has been updated to resolve job hangs if more than two cards are used on a site. FX4ASMR64QFPB
BP-1410 BP-X600 BP-X610 BP-X700 BP-X710 BP-X900 Recommended The algorithm has been updated to improve Erase and Program operation yields. ASM100LQFX, SM100LQFX
BP-1410 BP-X600 BP-X610 BP-X700 BP-X710 BP-X900 Simple Update Algorithm changes in revision 1.4 have been reverted to remove extra printouts. ASM100LQFX, SM100LQFX
9th Gen; 8th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve a code-running issue. FVE4ASMR64LQFPZM

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 3 (07/15/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics STM32F072RBT6
9th Gen; 8th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve hardware timeouts if setting RDP to level 2 and to add the option to skip blank checking empty Data Pattern regions during Verify operation. FVE4ASMR64LQFPZM
9th Gen: Atmel
ATF16V8B-15JC7th Gen: Atmel
9th Gen; 7th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added for gang support using the FX4ASMR20PC FX4ASMR20PC
9th Gen Addition FASMR20PC
9th Gen Addition The algorithm has been updated to add support for additional device temperature grades. FASMR20PC
BP-X600 BP-X610 BP-X700 BP-X710 Addition An algorithm has been added for gang support using the FX4ASMR20PC. FX4ASMR20PC
9th Gen: Atmel
ATF16V8CZ-15JU7th Gen: Atmel
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added for gang support using the FX4ASMR20PC. FASMR20PC, FX4ASMR20PC
Atmel ATF16V8C-7JU 9th Gen Recommended The algorithm has been updated to add support for the LX4ASMR20PC. LX4ASMR20PC
9th Gen Addition The algorithm has been updated to add support for additional device temperature grades. LX4ASMR20PC
7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added for gang support using the FX4ASMR20PC. FX4ASMR20PC
9th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve gang errors when reading the JTAG ID. FVE2ASMR169BGB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 4 (07/19/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Winbond W25Q64JWZPIQ 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Adding 8th and 9th Gen support to this device. FVE4ASM08LAPG, FVE4ASMR08LAPG
ISSI IS25LP128F-JLLE/TR 9th Gen Addition Adding 9th Gen support to this device FVE4ASM08MLPA, FVE4ASMC08MLPT, FVE4ASML08MXP, FVE4ASML08MXQ

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 5 (07/20/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Cypress CY8C21334-24PVXI 8th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve the programming issue on 8th Gen FVE4ASM20SSQ
Atmel ATSAME70Q21A-AN (Custom) 7th Gen Recommended Algo has been revised to fix a yield issue (Verify Failure) ASMR144QFPE, FX2ASMR144QFPE
STMicroelectronics SPC560P44L3BEAA (Custom01) 8th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve the programming issue on 8th Gen FVE4ASMR100LQFPB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 6 (07/21/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Macronix MX25V5126FM1I 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the SOP (8) package FVE4ASMR08SJCA, FVE4ASMR08SJAB
Macronix MX25V1006FM1I 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the SOP (8) package FVE4ASMR08SJCA, FVE4ASMR08SJAB
SanDisk SDINBDA6-128-ZA
SanDisk SDINBDA6-128-ZA (with DDR)
8th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for SDINBDA6-128-ZA on 8th Gen FVE4ASMC153BGZ (SDR, DDR), FVE4ASMC153BGJ (SDR, DDR), FVE4ASMC153FBGEA (SDR), FVE4ASM153FBGE (SDR)
ISSI IS25LP128F-JLLE/TR 9th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to match the specifications provided by the semi house FVE4ASM08MLPA, FVE4ASMC08MLPT, FVE4ASML08MXP, FVE4ASML08MXQ

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 7 (07/22/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Micron MT25QU01GBBB8E12-0SIT 8th Gen Recommended Devices on-site location A intermittently pass during EPV, while locations B, C, and D consistently fail Verify step FVE4ASM24BGB
Cypress MB9AF141LAPMC1-G-JNE2 9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to support QFP (64) package FVE4ASMR64QPJ
Samsung Semiconductor
KLM8G1GETF-B041 (with DDR)
KLM8G1GETF-B041 (with DDR CRC on the fly)
9th Gen Simple Update Support for KLM8G1GETF-B041 (with DDR CRC on the fly) and KLM8G1GETF-B041 (with DDR) has been added for 9th Gen FVE4ASMC153BGJ (SDR+DDR), FVE4ASMC153BGZ (SDR+DDR)
Monolithic Power Systems MP2953BGU-0000-Z 7th Gen Addition Added support to this QFN40 Package FX4ASMR40QNR

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 8 (07/25/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microchip Technology PIC12LF1501-I/SN 9th Gen Addition Algo for 9th Gen support FVE4ASM08SJF
Altera EPM3032ATC44 7th Gen Critical Fixed Timeout issue while EPV ASM44TQF
Atmel AT24C64B-10TU-2.7-T 9th Gen Addition Algo for 9th Gen support FVE4ASMR08TSJ


BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 9 (07/26/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
NXP Semiconductors SPC5777CLK3MME3 (Custom01) 9th Gen Critical Added support UTEST Memory map [0x00400000-0x00403FFF] LX2ASMR416BGT
Microchip Technology PIC18F26K40-I/SS 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Adding support for device on 8/9th Gen 6th and 7th Gen: FASM28SS, FASM28SSA
8th and 9th Gen: FVE4ASMR28SSMZC, FVE4ASMR28SSM
STMicroelectronics STM32G030K6T6 9th Gen Critical Updated algo to eliminate hang issue reported FVE4ASMR32LQFPA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 10 (07/27/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microsemi A3P060-FG144 7th Gen Simple Update The algorithm is updated to add the default buffer value. FASMPA144FG, SMPA144FGAAC, SMPA144FGACT, FASMPAR144FGA, SM3F100VQACT, FASMPA100TQ, SMPA100TQACT

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 11 (07/28/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
ISSI IS25WP128F-JBLE 9th Gen Simple Update Support added for Dummy cycle functionality FVE4ASM08SHLA, FVE4ASMH08SA, FVE4ASMR08SHLA
ISSI IS25LP128F-JBLE 9th Gen Addition Support added for Dummy cycle functionality FVE4ASM08SHLA, FVE4ASMH08SA, FVE4ASMR08SHLA
Adesto Technologies AT25QF128A-SHB-T 9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to support SOIC(8) package FVE4ASM08SHLA
ISSI IS25LP128F-JBLA3 9th Gen Simple Update Support added for Dummy cycle functionality FVE4ASM08SHLA, FVE4ASMH08SA, FVE4ASMR08SHLA
Lattice ISPPAC-POWR1014A-01TN48 9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to support TQFP(48) package FVE4ASMR48QFPF
Lattice ISPPAC-POWR1014-01TN48 9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to support TQFP(48) package FVE4ASMR48QFPF

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 12 (07/29/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microchip Technology PIC12F629-I/SN 6th Gen Critical Algo has been revised to fix a program issue FASM08SN
Infineon (Siemens) XMC1302-T038X0200ABXUMA1 8th Gen; FlashStream Critical The algorithm has been updated to work with newer socket modules. FVE4ASMR38TSW

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 13 (08/02/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microchip Technology PIC16F18446-I/GZ 9th Gen Critical The algorithm is updated to correctly program configuration bits SAFEN, WRTAPP, WRTB, WRTC, WRTD, WRSAF, LVP, and CP FVE4ASMR20MLFG
Renesas R7F7015433AFP-C 8th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve the high failure rate on socket B FVE2ASM144LQFPA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 14 (08/05/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
8th Gen Addition An algorithm has been released to support the STMicroelectronics STM32WB55RGV6TR FVE4ASM68QFNB
Kingston EMMC04G-W627-X03U (HS400) 9th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve Program operation failures on socket B FVE4ASMC153BGJ, FVE4ASMC153BGZ, FVE4ASML153BGL
Lattice LC4032V-48TQFP 7th Gen Critical The algorithm is updated to remove functional Test FASM48TQ
Texas Instruments CC2430ZF128RTC 8th Gen Simple Update Made code changes for verifying to work when secure enabled FVE4ASMR48QFNGA
Texas Instruments LMK03328RHS 8th Gen Recommended The algorithm is updated to resolve Compare failure FVE4ASMR48QNWFA
FEMC008GTTE7-T14-18 (with DDR CRC on the fly)
FEMC008GTTE7-T14-18 (with DDR)
9th Gen; FlashStream Updated device selection SDR: FVE4ASM153FBGE, FVE4ASMC153FBGEA
STMicroelectronics STM32F072RBT6 8th Gen Critical An algorithm is updated to resolve the program yield FVE4ASMR64LQFPZM
Renesas R7F7016903AFP-C 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Adding support for this device n 8/9th Gen FVE4ASMR64QFAC
Texas Instruments
8th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to support QFN(48) package FVE4ASMR48QFNI
Atmel AT24C256C (Custom) 9th Gen; FlashStream Addition Added custom support for this device in the DIP(8) package FVE4SM32D
9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the BGA(132) package FVE4ASMC132BGF
Macronix MX68GL1G0GDXFI-11Q 8th Gen Simple Update Algo has been created to add support for MX68GL1G0GDXFI-11Q on 8th Gen FVE4ASM64LBGA, FVE4ASMR64LBGA
Renesas R7F7015433AFP-C 8th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve high failure rate on socket B FVE2ASM144LQFPA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 15 (08/08/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics STM32F303VET6 8th Gen Critical Algo has been revised to fix the blank check error FVE4ASMR100LQFY

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 16 (08/13/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. GD32F330K8U6 9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support the QFN32 Package FVE4ASMR32QFNI
GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. GD32F330CBT6 9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support the Package FVE4ASMR48QFPE
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support the SOT-23 package FVE4ASML06SOTAC
Microchip Technology
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support the QFP 64 package LX4ASMR64TQFP
Skyhigh S34ML04G300BHI000 9th Gen Recommended Changed blank check method to cache read to improve blank check timings FVE4ASMC63BGPE
STMicroelectronics STM32U585QII3(Custom01) 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Support has been added to hide the OEM keys from the job summary report on 8th and 9th Gen FVE4ASMC132BGFS
Macronix MX25U25643GMI00 8th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support the SOIC 16 package FVE4ASM16SD, FVE4ASMR16SD
Renesas R5F211A1SP#U0 7th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support the TSSOP 20 package FASM20TSC, SM20TSC, FASM24TS, SM24TS, FASM28TS, SM28TS, FASMR20TSC, SMR20TSC, FASMR28TS, SMR28TS
Macronix MX25U3232FZBI02TR 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support the WSON 8 package FVE4ASML08DFNS , FVE4ASMC08DFNL

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 17 (08/13/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Cypress CYT2B75CADQ0AZEGS 9th Gen Recommended The algorithm has been updated to improve throughput. FVE4ASMR100LQFPI

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 18 (08/16/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
8th Gen Addition Added support for this device in the csBGA(400) package. FVE2ASMR400BGA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 19 (08/18/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Integrated Silicon Solution
8th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for IS25LP040E-JNLE on 8th Gen FVE4ASMR08SJCA, FVE4ASMR08SJAB
Macronix MX25V4006EM1I-13G 9th Gen Addition Added FVE module support for the device FVE4ASMR08SJAB
Integrated Silicon Solution
9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for IS25WP040E-JNLE on 8th and 9th Gen FVE4ASMR08SJAB, FVE4ASMR08SJCA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 20 (08/19/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Lattice LCMXO2-4000HC-4TG144I 9th Gen Critical The algorithm was updated to resolve the consistent short failures on Site B. FVE2ASMR144TQFCA
Atmel AT25128B-XHL 7th Gen; 6th Gen Simple Update The algorithm has been updated to remove support on 9th Generation programmers (added in error); supported on 7th and 6th Gen

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 21 (08/22/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Altera 10M04SCM153C8G 9th Gen Critical Modified code to power off the power channels separately and return fail when the device is inserted reverse FVE4ASMC153BGK
LCMXO3D-9400HC-5BG400I Custom01
LCMXO3D-9400HC-5BG400C Custom01
LCMXO3D-9400HC-6BG400I Custom01
LCMXO3D-9400HC-6BG400C Custom01
8th Gen Simple Update The algorithm has been updated to correct the device notes FVE2ASM256BGDB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 22 (08/23/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Winbond W25Q128JWSIM 8th Gen Addition Added support for this device on 8th Gen FVE4ASM08SHLA, FVE4ASMH08SA, FVE4ASMR08SHLA
Atmel AT89C51RC-24JU
Atmel AT89C51RC-24AU
9th Gen Recommended Added gang support of this device on 9th Gen. WX4ASM44PE
Adesto Technologies AT45DB081E-SHN-T (264-byte page) 7th Gen Critical Update algo to fix verify yield issue when erase is enabled FX4ASM08SHL

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 23 (08/24/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Cypress CY8C4146LQS-S423 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the QFN(40) package. FVE4ASMC40QFNO
Xilinx XCF02S-VOG20 2610/3610/4610 Recommended Bug. Xilinx XCF02S-VOG20. BPWin V7.0.8 Device Support Update 35. FP2610. Program failure. (A)SM20TS(B/C)
Infineon (Siemens) TC234LP32F200NACKXUMA1 8th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support the Infineon(Siemens) TC234LP32F200NACKXUMA1. FVE2ASMR144QFPZ
STMicroelectronics STM32L083CZT6 9th Gen Recommended Updated Id code to eliminate the ID failures FVE4ASMR48LQFPM

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 24 (08/25/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
IDT 5P49V5901B794NLGI (Custom03) 9th Gen Addition Adding the final new module support with custom03 device selection FVE4ASMR24QFNKE
Cypress S25HL01GTDPBHB030 (Custom01)
Cypress S25HL02GTDPBHB050 (custom01)
9th Gen Recommended The algorithm has been optimized to improve programming throughput. FVE4ASMR24BGAT

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 25 (08/26/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
GOWIN Semiconductor GW1N-UV2MG49C6/I5 7th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support the Gowin GW1N-UV2MG49C6/I5. FX4ASMC49BGU
8th Gen; FlashStream Simple Update Support for IS25LP256E-RHLE for 8th Gen has been added FVE4ASM24BGB
Winbond W25Q40CLSNIG 8th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support the Winbond W25Q40CLSNIG. FVE4ASMR08SJAB, FVE4ASMR08SJCA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 26 (08/29/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Texas Instruments S570PSFS762BRFPQQ1 9th Gen Simple Update Support for S570PSFS762BRFPQQ1 has been added on 9th Gen LX2ASMR144QFPA
Winbond W25R256JWEIQ 8th Gen Addition Added support for the device on 8 Gen FVE4ASM08MLPA, FVE4ASMC08DNB, FVE4ASMC08MLPT
Actel M2GL090TS-FG484
7th Gen Critical The algorithm was updated to resolve the hardware timeout error SM2S484FGMSSOC
Macronix MX29F800CTTI-G
Macronix MX29F800CTTI-70G
7th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the TSOP(48) package FX4ASM48T, FX4SM48T, FX4ASM48TD, FX4SM48TD, FXASM48TD, FXSM48TD, FX4ASMR48TD, FX4SMR48TD, FXASMR48TD, FXSMR48TD

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 27 (08/30/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Analog Devices LT7182SE#TRPBF TEST 9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to support QFN(40) package FVE4ASMC40LQFN
Macronix MX25L12833FZNI-10G 9th Gen Addition Adding 9th Gen support to Macronix MX25L12833FZNI-10G device FVE4ASM08LAPG ,FVE4ASMR08LAPG

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 28 (08/31/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Texas Instruments
8th Gen Addition Support has been added for QFN40 on 8th Gen FVE4ASMR40QFNV
Analog Devices LTC7883EUKG#PBF 9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to support BGA(99) package FVX4ASMC99BGA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 29 (09/01/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics SPC560P44L3BEAA (Custom01) 8th Gen Critical Erase polling would timeout before the device was done erasing. Modified poll counter to poll longer FVE4ASMR100LQFPB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 29 (09/01/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics SPC560P44L3BEAA (Custom01) 8th Gen Critical Erase polling would timeout before the device was done erasing. Modified poll counter to poll longer FVE4ASMR100LQFPB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 30 (09/02/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Intersil ISL69239IRAZ 7th Gen Addition Added support for Intersil ISL69239IRAZ FASMC60QFNA
Numonyx M29W160ET70ZA6F (Custom01) 8th Gen; FlashStream Addition Support for device custom selection TFBGA(48) package on 8th Gen has been added FVE4ASMR48CSP, FVE4ASMC48LBGE
ISSI IS25WP256E-JMLE (Custom01) 8th Gen Addition Support for device custom selection SOIC(16) package FVE4ASM16SD, FVE4ASMR16SD
STMicroelectronics STM32L083CZT6
9th Gen Recommended The algorithm is updated to improve programming throughput FVE4ASMR48LQFPM

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 31 (09/07/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Macronix MX29F800CTTI-70G 9th Gen Recommended An algorithm is updated to resolve continuity issues for some devices FVE4ASMR48TS
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Simple Update The algorithm has been updated to correct device ID. FVE4ASM08SJF
Actel AX1000-FG896
Actel AX2000-FG896
7th Gen An algorithm is updated to add SMAX896FGBACT support. FSMAX896FGBACT
Samsung KLMAG2GEUF-B04P057 BPM310 Addition Support has been added for this device on the 10th Gen FVE4ASMC153BGJ, FVE4ASMC153BGZ, FVE4ASMC153FBGEA
Macronix MX25U25643GXDI00 8th Gen Addition Added support on 8th Gen FVE4ASM24BGB, FVE4ASM24BGD

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 32 (09/08/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microchip Technology PIC16F15323-I/ST(Custom 01) 9th Gen; 8th Gen Critical Added custom algo to remove User ID from configuration option and added those addresses into memory range to do serialization on those addresses FVE4ASMR14TSF
9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the QFP(100) package. FVE4ASMR100LQPA
Renesas R7F7015814AFP-C 8th Gen Critical Corrected bad electronic ID failures. FVE4ASM100PQFC

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 33 (09/09/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics M95M04-DR 6th Gen Addition Added support for device M95M04-DR FASM08SR, SM08SR, FASM14SA, SM14SA, SM16S, FASM16SA, SM16SA, FASM16SAT, SM16SAT,SM08S
NXP Semiconductors LPC1111FHN33/102 8th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve Verify issues. FVE4ASML33QFNT
Infineon (Siemens) TC234LP32F200NACKXUMA1 8th Gen Critical Fixed the force failure issue in 8th Gen FVE2FASMR144QFPZ

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 34 (09/12/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
ISSI IS25LP064D-JMLE 8th Gen Addition Add support on 8th Gen FVE4ASM16SD, FVE4ASMR16SD
Infineon (Siemens) SAK-TC233LP-32F200N (DAP) 8th Gen Addition Add support on 8th Gen FVE4ASMR100QFPG

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 35 (09/13/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Winbond W25Q256JWFIM 8th Gen Addition Added support for this device on 8th Gen FVE4ASM16SD, FVE4ASMR16SD
Cypress CY8C5868AXI-LP035 8th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve the command failure during programming. FVE4ASMR100TQFQ
Cypress S25FL256LAGNFB010 8th Gen Critical Algo has been updated to resolve the Incorrect checksum calculated after programming. FVE4ASM08MLPA, FVE4ASMC08DNB, FVE4ASMC08MLPT

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 36 (09/14/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Winbond W25Q256JVBSQ 9th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for W25Q256JVBSQ on 9th Gen FVE4ASM24BGB, FVE4ASMC24BGT
Texas Instruments CDCI6214RGET 9th Gen Recommended Customers reporting parts are not working in-circuit after programming FVE4ASMR24QFNB
STMicroelectronics STM32H743XIH6 9th Gen Critical Algo has been revised to fix hardware timeout error LX4ASMR265BGAXI

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 37 (09/15/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
ISSI IS25WP256E-JLLE-TR 9th Gen Addition Added support for this device on 9th Gen FVE4ASM08MLPA, FVE4ASMC08MLPT
Freescale Semiconductor MC9S12DG128MFUE-Custom01 9th Gen Recommended Modified return values LX2FASMR80QFMC
ISSI IS25LP064-JBLE-TR 9th Gen Addition Added support to PIC32MZ0512EFF124-I/TLN21 FVE4ASM08SHLA, FVE4ASMH08SA, FVE4ASMR08SHLA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 45 (09/29/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Atmel ATmega325V-8MU 9th Gen Critical Algo has been revised to solve the timeout error WASM64MLFA
Microchip Technology PIC12LF1501-I/SN 9th Gen Simple Update Fixed the verification issue in the CFG option FVE4ASM08SJF

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 46 (09/30/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Infineon (Siemens) S25FL128SAGMFIG01 8th Gen Addition Algo updated with device line addition for this device FVE4ASM16SD, FVE4ASMR16SD
Monolithic Silicon JM38510/20402BEA 7th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the DIP(16) package FSM48D
KLM8G1GEUF-B04QT57DDR with CRC on the fly:
Samsung KLM8G1GEUF-B04Q
9th Gen Recommended The algorithm has been updated to add support for the Background Operation Enable options, Extended Partition Attributes options and File Concatenation FVE4ASMC153BGJ, FVE4ASMC153BGZ, FVE4ASMC153FBGEA
Macronix MX25L51245GMI-10G 8th Gen Addition Added Support for device MX25L51245GMI-10G FVE4ASM16SD, FVE4ASMR16SD

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 47 (10/03/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics STM32F102C6T6A 9th Gen Simple Update Added support to this device with the FVE4ASMR48LQFK socket module FVE4ASMR48LQFK
ISSI IS25LP016D-JULE(Custom01) 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Created custom algo for this device FVE4ASMH08MLPCB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 48 (10/04/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Spansion S29GL128P90FFIR12 9th Gen Addition Added support to this device on 9th Gen FVE4ASM64LBGA, FVE4ASMR64LBGA
KLMAG2GEUF-B04P057 (with DDR)
KLMAG2GEUF-B04P057 (with DDR CRC on the fly)
9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the BGA(153) package FVE4ASMC153BGJ (SDR, DDR, HS200/400), FVE4ASMC153BGZ (SDR, DDR, HS200/400), FVE4ASMC153FBGEA (SDR)

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 49 (10/06/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Texas Instruments TMS470R1VF356CGJZQ (Custom01) 9th Gen Addition This custom release will add support using FVE2ASMC176BGA on 9th Gen FVE2ASMC176BGA
Samsung KLMBG2JETD-B041 (HS400) 9th Gen Simple Update The algorithm has been updated to fix site B programming failure FVE4ASMC153BGZ
Renesas R5F2L38CCNFP(Custom01) 9th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to fix the command failure issue LX4ASMR80QPC

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 50 (10/10/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Texas Instruments MSP430F5659IPZR 9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the QFP(100) package FVE4ASMR100TQKC
Lattice LC4032V-75TN48 9th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for LC4032V-75TN48 on 9th Gen FVE4ASMR48TQML
Texas Instruments
9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support Texas Instruments devices FVE4ASMR64QFPJ
Texas Instruments MSP430F5358IPZ 8th Gen Simple Update The algorithm has been updated to resolve syntax error FVE4ASMR100TQKC
STMicroelectronics STM32L432KCU3 9th Gen Addition Added support to the device on 9th Gen FVE4ASMR32QNZA
Winbond W25Q16JVSSAQ 9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the SOIC(8) package FVE4ASM08SHLA, FVE4ASMH08SA,FVE4ASMR08SHLA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 51 (10/12/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Renesas R5F1057AGNA 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Addition FVE4ASMR24QFNTA
Cypress CY7C287 7th Gen Simple Update Algo has been updated to correct the Checksum mismatch FSM48D

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 52 (10/13/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
MAXIM DS28E01Q-100+
Altera 10M50DAF256I7G
9th Gen Simple Update Updated Socket Module Info FX4ASMR06DFNB
Atmel AT24C256C (Custom) 8th Gen Recommended The algorithm has been updated to resolve continuity and verify twice failure. FVE4SM32D
Actel AX2000-2FGG896 7th Gen Recommended The algorithm has been updated to resolve the continuity issue FSMAX896FGBACT

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 53 (10/19/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Integrated Circuits EPM3128ATC100 6th Gen Critical Resolved hardware timeout issue during program operation. FASM100TQC
NXP Semiconductors LPC1837FET256 9th Gen Addition Support has been added for BGA256 on 9th Gen. FVE2ASMR256BGZ
Winbond W25Q256JWEIN 9th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for W25Q256JWEIN on 9th gen FVE4ASM08MLPA, FVE4ASMC08MLPT
Renesas R7FA2E2A72DNK 9th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Add support to 9th gen without ID Code FVE4ASMR24QFNC
Renesas R7F7015814AFP-C 8th Gen Critical Fixed IId issue by changing IID flow FVE4ASM100PQFC
STMicroelectronics STM8L052R8T6 9th Gen Critical The algorithm was updated to optimize the time of EPV FVE4ASMR64QPK

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 54 (10/20/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Monolithic Power Systems MP2953BGU-0000-Z 9th Gen Addition Adding support for this device in QFN(40) package. LX4ASMR40QNR
STMicroelectronics STM32F103VDT6(Custom01) 9th Gen Simple Update Algo has been created to add a custom device selection for STM32F103VDT6 FX4ASMR100LQFY, FX4SMR100LQFY, FASMR100LQFY, FSMR100LQFY
Altera EPM7128AETC100 6th Gen Simple Update Resolved hardware timeout issue during Program FSM100TQM
Atmel ATXMEGA16D4-AU (Custom 02) 9th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve potential hangs on automated programmers. FVE4ASMR44TQFJ, FX4ASMR44TQFJ, FX4SMR44TQFJ, FASMR44TQFJ, FSMR44TQFJ

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 55 (10/21/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Texas Instruments TPS546B24ARVF 8th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the LQFN(40) package. FVE4ASMC40QFNFT
Atmel ATxmega64A1-CU 9th Gen Addition Added support to this device on 9th Gen FVE4ASMR100BGB
IDT 5P49V5901B794NLGI(Custom03) 9th Gen Addition Added Print statements for failed conditions FVE4ASMR24QFNKE
9th Gen Addition Added support to the devices on 9th Gen FVE4ASMC100BGTX
EMMC32G-TA29-90F01 (with DDR)
EMMC32G-TA29-90F01 (with DDR CRC on the fly)
9th Gen; 8th Gen; Flashstream Addition Algo has been created to add support for EMMC32G-TA29-90F01 on 8th and 9th gen FVE4ASMC153FBGEA (SDR), FVE4ASMC153BGJ (SDR+DDR), FVE4ASMC153BGZ (SDR+DDR)

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 56 (10/22/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Numonyx M29W160ET70ZA6F 8th Gen; Flashstream Recommended Support has been added for FVE4ASMR48CSP, FVE4ASMC48LBGE on 8th Gen FVE4ASMR48CSP, FVE4ASMC48LBGE


BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 57 (10/26/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Texas Instruments TMS470AVF336HPZQQ1 9th Gen Addition Support has been added for QFP100 on 9th Gen FVE4ASM100QFPI
Lattice LCMXO3LF-1300E-5MG121C 7th Gen Addition Addition ASMC121BGW
STMicroelectronics STM32G030C8T6 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition An algorithm has been added to support the STMicroelectronics STM32G030C8T6. FVE4ASM48QFPM
Atmel ATXMEGA64D3-AU(Custom02) 9th Gen Addition Algo has been updated to resolve a timeout error FX2ASMR64TQFB, FX2SMR64TQFB, ASMR64TQFB, SMR64TQFB
KLMBG4GEUF-B04Q (with DDR CRC on the fly)
9th Gen Addition Addition FVE4ASMC153FBGEA (SDR)

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 59 (11/01/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microchip Technology PIC16F684-I/ST 7th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve verify failure after programming the protection bits. ASMR20TSC
SST SST39SF010A-45-4I-NHE 9th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve hardware timeout issues on 9th Generation machines. LX4ASM32PB
EMMC04G-W627-E02U (with DDR)
EMMC04G-W627-E02U (with DDR CRC on the fly)
9th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 9th Gen FVE4ASMC153BGJ (SDR+DDR), FVE4ASMC153BGZ (SDR+DDR)
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Addition Added support to the device in 9th Gen FVE4ASMR20MLFG

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 60 (11/02/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
8th Gen Recommended The algorithm has been updated to add support for updating the wireless stack firmware. FVE4ASM68QFNB
Macronix MX29GL256EHT2-Q 9th Gen Addition Added support for FVE4ASMR56TC SM for the device on 9 Gen FVE4ASMR56TC

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 61 (11/03/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
7th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the SOP(8) package. FX4ASM08SJA, FX4SM08SJA, FX4ASMR08SJA, FX4SMR08SJA
7th Gen Addition Support has been added for the DIP 40 package on 7th Gen SM48D, ASM48D600, SM48DC, SM48DF, SM48DH

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 62 (11/04/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Macronix MX25U25643GZ4I00 9th Gen Addition Added 9th Gen support FVE4ASM08MLPA, FVE4ASMC08MLPT, FVE4ASML08MXP, FVE4ASML08MXQ
STMicroelectronics STM32G0B1CCT6 8th Gen Addition Addition FVE4ASMR48QPG
STMicroelectronics SPC58NN84E7RSHAR (Custom) 9th Gen Addition Addition FVEG3ASMR176LQPC
9th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve Verify, Read, and Compare failures. FVE4ASMR24QFNKC Rev. B is now required. FVE4ASMR24QFNKC

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 63 (11/09/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics SPC58NN84E7RSHAR 9th Gen Addition Addition FVEG3ASMR176LQPC
STMicroelectronics STM32F072RBT6 (Custom01) 8th Gen Recommended Optimizing programming time FVE4ASMR64LQFPZM
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the SOT23(6) package. FVE4ASML06SOTAD
STMicroelectronics STM32H743VIT6 8th Gen Addition Added support for this device on 8h Gen FVE4ASMR100QFPR

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 64 (11/10/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Infineon (Siemens) XDPE132G5H 9th Gen Addition Addition FVE4ASMR56QFNA
EMMC32G-TX29-8AD01 (with DDR)
EMMC32G-TX29-8AD01 (with DDR CRC on the fly)
9th Gen; 8th Gen; Flashstream Addition Algo had been created to add support for EMMC32G-TX29-8AD01 on 8th and 9th Gen FVE4ASMC153FBGEA (SDR), FVE4ASMC153BGJ (SDR + DDR), FVE4ASMC153BGZ (SDR + DDR)

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 65 (11/11/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Renesas R5F513T5AGFL 9th Gen Recommended The algorithm is updated to correct all socket erase failures. FVE4ASMR48QFPD
Texas Instruments
CDCI6214RGER (Custom)
CDCI6214RGET (Custom)
9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to parse .hxt data file FVE4ASMR24QFNB


BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 66 (11/14/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Atmel AT89LP51ED2-20JU 9th Gen; 7th Gen Recommended/ Critical 7th Gen: Algorithm has been updated to improve EPV yield. (Recommended)
9th Gen: Algorithm has been updated to resolve EPV failures during verification. (Critical)
STMicroelectronics STM32H743XIH6 9th Gen Simple Update Algo has been revised to optimize EPV time for STM32H743XIH6 LX4ASMR265BGAXI
GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. GD32F330G8U6 9th Gen Addition Added support in the QFN package FVE4ASMR28QFNF


BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 67 (11/15/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Nordic Semiconductor nRF52832-QFAA-R 9th Gen Recommended Modified algo to pass verify with serialization FVE4ASMR48QND
Texas Instruments UCD90320ZWS FU (Rev. 9th Gen Addition Addition FVE4ASM169BGC
Microchip Technology
7th Gen Addition Added support of this device in SOIC(28) package. FASM28S, FASM28SB, FSM28SB, FASM28SE, FSM28SE, FASM28SH, FSM28SH

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 68 (11/16/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Renesas R7F7015814AFP-C 8th Gen Recommended Added retry in during connect processing and increased some delays FVE4ASM100PQFC
Macronix MX25L25645GZNI-08G(Custom01) 9th Gen Addition Custom algo has been added to support WSON(8) package. FVE4ASM08LAPG, FVE4ASMR08LAPG
Macronix MX25L25673GZ4I-08G (Single I/O) (Custom01) 9th Gen Addition Custom algo has been added to support WSON(8) package. FVE4ASM08MLPA, FVE4ASMC08MLPT, FVE4ASML08MXP

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 69 (11/17/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Smart Modular Technologies
SPM8GL1ASI01 (Custom 01)
SPM8GL1ASI11 (Custom 01)
KTM8GL1ASI01 (Custom 01)
SPQ8GL1ASI01 (Custom 01)
8th Gen Addition Custom algorithms have been added for the Longsys eMMC devices. FVE4ASMC153FBGEA (SDR), FVE4ASMC153BGJ (SDR+DDR), FVE4ASMC153BGZ (SDR+DDR)
Texas Instruments UCD90320ZWS FU (Rev. 9th Gen Addition Algo to update firmware FVE4ASM169BGC
Texas Instruments UCD90320ZWS (Custom01) 8th Gen Addition Algo to check the hardware device ID only. FVE4ASM169BGC

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 70 (11/18/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Atmel ATXMEGA64D4-AU 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 8th and 9th Gen. FVE4ASMR44TQFJ
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to correct the config buffer map and resolve programming failure on 9th Gen. LASMR64QPT
Winbond W25Q256JVMIQ (Custom 01) 9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to support WSON(8) package. FVE4ASMR08LAPG, FVE4ASM08LAPG

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 71 (11/22/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Renesas R7FA2E2A72DNK 9th Gen; 6th Gen Recommended Added ID code option for the Device. FVE4ASMR24QFNC
Texas Instruments TMS470R1F366APZQ 9th Gen Addition Support has been added for the QFP100 package on 9th Gen. FVE4ASM100QFPH
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the DIP(28) package. LASM48DZ
8th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to support BGA(24) package. FVE4ASM24BGD, FVE4ASMC24BGT, FVE4ASM24BGB
Renesas R5F2L38CCNFP(Custom01) 9th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve initialization errors and improve programming throughput. LX4ASMR80QPC
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the DIP(28) package. LASM48DZ

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 72 (11/23/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Atmel ATXMEGA64A4U-AU 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Adding support for this device on 9th Gen FVE4ASMR44TQFJ
Infineon (Siemens) PXE1610CPN-G003 9th Gen Addition Added new support on 9th Gen programmer FVE4ASMR48QFNE
Atmel ATXMEGA128A4U-AU 9th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 9th Gen FVE4ASMR44TQFJ
Freescale Semiconductor MC9S12DG128MFUE-Custom01 9th Gen Critical Algo has been updated to fix erase failure LX2ASMR80QFMC
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the DIP(40) package LASM48DZ

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 73 (11/28/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Cypress CY37256P256 (BG256) 7th Gen Recommended An algorithm has been created to improve the parity check for low and high margins SM256BG, ASM256BG
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the DIP(40) package LASM48DZ
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the DIP(28) package LASM48DZ

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 74 (11/29/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Renesas R7FA2E2A32DNK 9th Gen; 6th Gen Critical Add support to 9th Gen FVE4ASMR24QFNC

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 75 (11/30/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Atmel ATXMEGA128D4-AU 9th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 9th Gen. FVE4ASMR44TQFJ
LCMXO3D-4300HC-5BG256C Custom01
LCMXO3D-4300HC-5BG256I Custom01
LCMXO3D-4300HC-6BG256C Custom01
LCMXO3D-4300HC-6BG256I Custom01
LCMXO3D-9400HC-5BG400C Custom01
LCMXO3D-9400HC-5BG400I Custom01
8th Gen Critical A custom algorithm has been updated to resolve the incorrect loading of JEDEC files and to add USERCODE support FVE2ASM256BGDB
Texas Instruments TMS320F28062PZT 9th Gen Critical The algorithm is updated Device – Config LX4ASMR100QFPZR
Cypress S25FL116K0XMFI011 9th Gen Addition Addition LX4ASM08SHL
Cypress GL512T11FHIV1 9th Gen Addition Addition FVE4ASM64LBGA,

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 76 (12/01/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microchip Technology PIC16LF18857 7th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for PIC16F18857 on 7th Gen SM48DS
STMicroelectronics STM32F401VET6 9th Gen Addition Adding support in 9th Gen FVE4ASMR100LQFYA
Microchip Technology
7th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for PIC16F18857 on 7th Gen SM48DS
Texas Instruments TMS470R1VF67ACZJZQ 9th Gen Addition Support has been added with socket FVE2ASM176BGF module to avoid socket fit-related issues FVE2ASM176BGF

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 78 (12/05/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Texas Instruments TMS470R1VF356CGJZQ 9th Gen Addition Support has been added for the BGA176 package on 9th Gen FVE2ASM176BGF
9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the QFP(64) package FVE4ASMR64LQFPTJ

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 79 (12/06/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device DIP(40) package LASM48DZ
Cypress S25FL132K0XBHIS30 9th Gen Addition Added support of this device BGA(24) package FVE4ASM24BGD
STMicroelectronics STM32F302C8T6 9th Gen Addition Added support in 9th Gen FVE4ASMR48LQFK
STMicroelectronics STM32F042C6U6 9th Gen Addition Added 9th Gen support FVE4ASMR48MLFJ
Atmel ATSAM4S16BB-AN 9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Adding support in 8th Gen and 9th Gen for the LQFP package FVE4ASMR64QFAG
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the DIP(28) package LASM48DZ

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 80 (12/07/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics M24256-BFMC6TG (CustomA01) 9th Gen Addition Added support of device DFN(8) package FVE4ASML08DFNZ
8th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve Stand-alone Verify and Erase failures after programming with specific boot settings and a wireless stack installed FVE4ASM68QFNB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 81 (12/08/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Infineon (Siemens) TC234LP32F200NACKXUMA1 8th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve continuity issues FVE2ASMR144QFPZ
Renesas R5F513T5AGFL 8th Gen Critical The algorithm is updated to unlock the Boot Mode ID Code Protection FVE4ASMR48QFPD
Microchip Technology PIC16LF1779-I/P 9th Gen Addition Adding support in 9th Gen FVEG4SM40DB
Microchip Technology PIC16F1779-I/P 9th Gen Addition Added support in 9th Gen for this device FVEG4SM40DB
STMicroelectronics STM32F401VEH6 9th Gen Addition Added support in 9th Gen FVE4ASMC100FBGK

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 82 (12/09/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
NXP Semiconductors LPC2294HBD144 9th Gen Critical The overcurrent issue has been resolved WASM144LQ
STMicroelectronics STM32F301VCT6 9th Gen Addition Adding support in 9th Gen FVE4ASMR100LQFY
STMicroelectronics STM32F301R8T6 9th Gen Addition Added support for 9th Gen FVE4ASMR64QPG

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 83 (12/12/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Smart Modular
Technologies SP9M4GH1AHI01 (Custom 01)
SP9M4GH1AHI11 (Custom 01)
8th Gen Critical A custom algorithm has been updated to check ECSD[511] and to include pSLC conversion support. Smart Modular Technologies SP9M4GH1AHI11 (Custom 01) device selection has been added FVE4ASMC153BGJ, FVE4ASMC153BGZ, FVE4ASMC153FBGEA
Smart Modular Technologies SP9M4GH1AHI11 8th Gen Addition Smart Modular Technologies SP9M4GH1AHI11 device selection has been added for SDR and custom algorithms FVE4ASMC153BGJ, FVE4ASMC153BGZ, FVE4ASMC153FBGEA
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to resolve EST failure LX4ASMR64TQF
Altera EPM3064ATC44 7th Gen Critical The hardware timeout issue on BPWin V7.0.9 has been resolved ASM44TQA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 84 (12/13/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Atmel ATSAME70Q21A-AN (Custom) 7th Gen Critical Algo has been revised to fix the yield issue ASMR144QFPE

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 85 (12/14/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microchip Technology D70F3423GJ(A) 9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the LQFP(144) package FVE2ASMR144LQFD
ATSAMD20J18A-AUTMicrochip Technology
9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the TQFP(64) package FVE4ASMR64TQFP

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 86 (12/15/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Micron MT25QL512ABA8E12-0SIT 9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to add support for MT25QL512ABA8E12-0SIT on 9th Gen FVE4ASMR24BGZ
STMicroelectronics SPC58NN84E7RSHAR (Custom) 9th Gen Addition An algorithm has been updated to optimize EPV operation FVEG3ASMR176LQPC
Renesas-M M3062LFGPGP 9th Gen Critical The algorithm updated refresh timing for 9th Gen WASMR100LQFC

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 87 (12/16/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Spansion S25FL256SAGBHIC03 7th Gen Simple Update Used a different erase method FX4ASMC24BGV
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the TSSOP(14) package FVE4ASMR14TSF
Microchip Technology D70F3425GJ(A) 9th Gen Addition Added support for Microchip Technology D70F3425GJ(A) device FVE2ASMR144LQFD
Microchip Technology D70F3427GD(A) 9th Gen Addition Added support for Microchip Technology D70F3427GD(A) device FVE2ASMR208QFPA
Monolithic Power Systems
8th Gen Addition Support has been added to this LGA25 Package FVE4ASMC25LGB
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the PDIP(14) package LSM48DZ
Cypress S29GL512T11TFIV1 9th Gen Addition Added support for Cypress S29GL512T11TFIV1 device FVE4ASMR56TCK
Monolithic Power Systems MPQ8645 8th Gen Recommended The algorithm has been updated to improve the yield FVE4ASMC25LGB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 88 (12/19/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the DIP(14) package LSM48DZ
Macronix MX25L3233FM2I-08Q 9th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 9th Gen FVE4ASM08SHLA, FVE4ASMH08SA, FVE4ASMR08SHLA
Texas Instruments
CDCE6214RGE (Custom 02)
CDCE6214RGER (Custom 02)
CDCE6214RGET (Custom 02)
9th Gen Addition A custom algorithm has been added with bit masking feature for the Texas Instruments CDCE6214RGE FVE4ASMR24QFNB
NXP Semiconductors LPC812M101JDH20 9th Gen Recommended Erase failure has been resolved FVE4ASMR20TSA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 89 (12/20/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Renesas UPD78F0884AGAA2-GAM-G 9th Gen Addition Add Support to 9th Gen FVE4ASMR48QPD

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 90 (12/21/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Cypress S28HS512TFPBHM010 9th Gen Addition Added support for this device in 9th Gen FVE4ASMC24BGZA

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 91 (12/22/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in the QFP(100) package LX4ASM100QFPD
Smart Modular Technologies
SP9M4GH1AHI01 (Custom 01)
SP9M4GH1AHI11 (Custom 01)
8th Gen Critical The algorithm has been updated to add a stand-alone Verify operation FVE4ASMC153BGJ, FVE4ASMC153BGZ, FVE4ASMC153FBGEA
Renesas R7F7016463AFP-C 9th Gen; 8th Gen Critical Update FVE2ASMR144QFA
Renesas R7F7015814AFP-C 9th Gen Simple Update Update FVE4ASM100PQFC
8th Gen Addition An algorithm has been created to support BGA(24) package FVE4ASM24BGD, FVE4ASMC24BGT ,FVE4ASM24BGB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 92 (12/27/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics STM32F030C6T6 9th Gen Addition Added support for device on 9th Gen FVE4ASMR48LQFPM
9th Gen; 8th Gen; 7th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for MK10DX128VFM5 on 7th, 8th, and 9th Gen 7th Gen: FX4ASMR32QFNKE, FX4SMR32QFNKE, ASMR32QFNKE, SMR32QFNKE
8th/9th Gen: FVE4ASMR32QFNKE
9th Gen; 8th Gen; 7th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for MK10DX32VFM5 on 7th, 8th, and 9th Gen 7th Gen: FX4ASMR32QFNKE, FX4SMR32QFNKE, ASMR32QFNKE, SMR32QFNKE
8th/9th Gen: FVE4ASMR32QFNKE
Micron MT25QU02GCBB8E12-0AAT 9th Gen Recommended Updated Erase method to increase the speed of erase operation FVE4ASMC24BGJ
Winbond W25H512JVFAM 9th Gen Recommended Updated algo to include ADP bit setting FVE4ASM16SD, FVE4ASMR16SD

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 93 (12/28/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Greenliant Systems
GLS85VM1004G-S-I-LFWE-ND232 (with DDR CRC on the fly.
GLS85VM1004G-S-I-LFWE-ND232(with DDR)
9th Gen; 8th Gen Addition Added support for the device FVE4ASM100LBGB (SDR)
9th Gen; 8th Gen; 7th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for MK10DN128VFM5 on 7th, 8th, and 9th Gen 7th Gen: FX4ASMR32QFNKE, FX4SMR32QFNKE, ASMR32QFNKE, SMR32QFNKE
8th/9th Gen: FVE4ASMR32QFNKE
Freescale Semiconductor
9th Gen; 8th Gen; 7th Gen Addition Algo has been created to add support for MK10DN64VFM5 on 7th, 8th, and 9th Gen 7th Gen: FX4ASMR32QFNKE, FX4SMR32QFNKE, ASMR32QFNKE, SMR32QFNKE
8th/9th Gen: FVE4ASMR32QFNKE
Atmel ATXMEGA64D3-AU(Custom02) 9th Gen Critical Algo modified to fix EST failure and refresh timeout FX2ASMR64TQFB, FX2SMR64TQFB, ASMR64TQFB, SMR64TQFB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 94 (12/29/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device in DIP(40) package SM48DZ
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 9th Gen LX2ASMR64TQFB
GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. GD32F405VGT6 8th Gen Addition Support has been added to this 100QFP Package FVE4ASMR100LQFYA
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in QFP(44) package FX4ASMR44TQFM

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 95 (12/30/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics STM32L152VCT6 9th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 9th Gen FX4ASMR100LQFY

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 96 (01/03/2022)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Micron MT25TL512BAA1ESF-0AAT 9th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 9th Gen FVE4ASMR16SDA
Infineon (Siemens) SAK-TC387QP-160F300S(3-Wire Programming) 9th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 9th Gen FVE4ASMR292LFBGD
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 9th Gen LX2ASMR64TQFB

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 97 (01/04/2023)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics STM32F401RET6 9th Gen Addition Added Support to STMicroelectronics STM32F401RET6 in 9th Gen FVE4ASMR64QPE

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 98 (01/05/2023)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Renesas UPD78F0886AGAA-GAM-E2-G 9th Gen Addition Add support to 9th Gen FVE4ASMR48QPD
STMicroelectronics STM32F070CBT6(SWD) 9th Gen Addition Support on SWD protocol for FVE4ASMR48LQFK FVE4ASMR48LQFK
Micron MT25TL256BAA1ESF-0AAT 9th Gen Addition Added support in 9th Gen FVE4ASMR16SDA
STMicroelectronics STM32F303RET6 9th Gen Addition Added support in 9th Gen FVE4ASMR64QPG

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 99 (01/06/2023)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics STM32F302K8U6 9th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 9th Gen FVE4ASMR32MLFXBA
Atmel ATmega168PB-MU(Calibration) 7th Gen Recommended Algo updated for continuity issue ASMR32MLFM
Microchip Technology PIC16F18344-E/SS 9th Gen Recommended The algorithm has been updated to resolve verify failures FVE4ASMR20SSM
Texas Instruments TMS470R1VF67ACZJZQ 9th Gen Critical Algo updated for program failure (verify failure ) FVE2ASM176BGF
Winbond W25Q32JVSSIQ (Quad-Mode) 9th Gen Addition Support has been added to this device on 9th Gen with the requested LX4 D-card LX4ASM08SHL
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in QFP(44) package FX4ASMR44TQFM

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 100 (01/09/2023)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
Cypress FL256SAIF00 9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in WSON(8) package FVE4ASM08MLPA
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device in DIP(20) package SM48DZ
Microchip Technology
9th Gen Addition Added support of this device in SSOP(28) package FVE4ASMR28SSG

BPWin 7.0.9 Device Support Update 101 (01/10/2023)

Device Name in BPSoftware Programmer Criticality Changes Made & Reasons Socket Module
STMicroelectronics STM32F427VGT6 (LX4ASMR100LQFYA) 9th Gen Addition Support has been added to this QFP100 Package using LX4ASMR100LQFYA LX4ASMR100LQFYA
Lattice LCMXO2-256HC-4SG48I 9th Gen Addition Strategic support has been added to this 48QFN Package FVE4ASMR48QFNGC
Winbond W25Q82DVUXIE 9th Gen; 8th Gen; 7th Gen Addition Adding support to this device on 8th and 9th Gen 8th/9th Gen: FVE4ASMH08MLPCB
7th Gen: NEW
Microchip Technology
9th Gen; 7th Gen; 6th Gen Addition Added support of this device in DIP(40) package FVEG4SM40DB