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Since their launch in the mid-2000s, BPM Microsystems’ 7th Generation programmers have been an instrumental part of the company’s award-winning lineup. With a legacy spanning close to two decades, these programmers have fulfilled a variety of roles in industries ranging from automotive to aerospace. However, every legacy has its finale, and BPM has recently announced the last buy for its 7th Generation programmers. Driven by supply chain constraints, this move is not just a product life-cycle decision, but a strategy to focus on support and future technologies. As of today, BPM will no longer sell 7th Gen programmers and sites*. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the why, the how, and the what-next of this pivotal moment.

*Contact Inside Sales for more details.

Why End Production Now?

The decision to cease the sale of 7th Generation programmers comes against a specific backdrop:

Supply Chain Constraints

Due to the unavailability of critical devices essential for the manufacture of 7th Generation programmers, the decision was made to focus on supporting existing products rather than producing new units. These supply chain constraints played a crucial role in determining the timing of the last buy.

Resource Re-Allocation

With these supply chain issues in mind, BPM made a calculated decision to divert its resources towards service, support, and the development of new technologies like their 9th Generation programmers.

Continued Commitment to Support

Unlike some in the industry, BPM is committed not to leave its user base in the lurch. Even with the halt in production, BPM assures ongoing support for existing 7th Generation programmer users:

  • Device Algorithms: BPM will continue to roll out new programming algorithms to ensure the programmers remain functional.
  • Technical Support: Expertise is just a call or an email away, thanks to BPM’s technical support team.
  • Parts and Accessories: Despite supply chain constraints affecting new unit production, essential parts will still be supplied for repairs and maintenance while the components last.

The Way Forward: Spotlight on the 9th Generation

These state-of-the-art 9th Gen programmers come with several enhancements:

  • Faster Programming Speeds: Utilizing parallelism to a greater extent, these new models offer speed advantages that can significantly cut down production times.
  • Advanced Cybersecurity: Newer security protocols align with the increasing cybersecurity demands of industries such as automotive and medical devices.
  • Greater Versatility: The 9th Generation models are designed with modular architecture, making them incredibly adaptable to the rapidly changing technological landscape.
  • On-board Memory: 7th Gen sites come standard with .5 GB (512 MB) of on-board memory. 9th Gen sites are configured with 256 GB of on-board memory, and can be upgraded to twice that amount. (1 Gigabyte is equal to 1000 megabytes)

Why Transition to the 9th Generation?

Given the discontinuation of the 7th Generation, here’s why transitioning to the 9th Generation might be a prudent choice:

  • Future-Proofing: With more modular components and an architecture designed for adaptability, these models are geared for the future.
  • Cost-Efficiency: The improved speed and reduced cycle times result in cost benefits in the long run.
  • Training and Support: BPM’s robust training services ensure that the transition to newer technology is smooth, minimizing any potential downtime.

Socket Adapter Compatibility:  




Adapter Prefix**


7th Gen

9th Gen

7th Gen

9th Gen

LSM LSM2S676FGMSSOCB No No Yes Limited Support *
LXSM LXSM28FLPZA No No Yes Limited Support *
LX2SM LX2SM28FLPZB No No Yes Limited Support *
LX4SM LX4SM40DIPLT No No Yes Limited Support *
LASM LASM324BGV Yes Limited Support * Yes Limited Support *
LXASM LXASM484BGAV Yes Limited Support * Yes Limited Support *
LX2ASM LX2ASM473BGA Yes Limited Support * Yes Limited Support *
LX4ASM LX4ASMR64QFPTB Yes Limited Support * Yes Limited Support *
WASM WASM20MLFA Yes Limited Support * Yes Limited Support *
WXASM WXASM100QE Yes Limited Support * Yes Limited Support *
WX2ASM WX2ASML48UBG Yes Limited Support * Yes Limited Support *
WX4ASM WX4ASMR08SJA Yes Limited Support * Yes Limited Support *

Limited Support *: Replacement D-Card for Legacy Socket Module: Check BPWin to confirm device and adapter compatibility. 9th Gen does support a limited number of legacy d-cards.

Daughter Cards (D-Cards)**: 6th and 7th Gen Programmers require a socket module base. D-Cards plug into the base. 9th Gen programmers do not require a base.

Vector Engine BitBlast Program and Verify Time Comparison:

SanDisk SDIN5C2-8G (8GB)

  • Without BitBlast- 2091 Seconds
  • With BitBlast- 933 Seconds

SanDisk SDIN5C2-4G (4GB)

  • Without BitBlast- 1070 Seconds
  • With BitBlast- 469 Seconds


  • Without BitBlast- 1083 Seconds
  • With BitBlast- 469 Seconds

Toshiba THGBM1G5D2EBAI7 (4GB)

  • Without BitBlast- 959 Seconds
  • With BitBlast- 460 Seconds

Samsung KLM2G1DEHE-B101 (2GB)

  • Without BitBlast- 488 Seconds
  • With BitBlast- 398 Seconds


The last buy of the 7th Generation programmers might signify an end, but it’s also a starting point for new opportunities and advancements. The decision, dictated by supply chain constraints and a strategic focus on future technologies, brings us to the cusp of a new era with BPM’s new Generation of programmers. Existing users of the 7th Generation need not worry, as BPM continues its commitment to exceptional service and support.

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